
James T. Streib
Last Updated: August 8, 2020
This website has information pertaining to various works that have been written by
the author. The navigation bar to the left provides a link to the corresponding
informational and support sites.

If one is trying to get to the support site for either the book "Guide to Assembly
Language: A Concise Introduction", "Guide to Java: A Concise Introduction to
Programming", or :"Guide to Data Structures: A Concise Introduction using Java"
either click the appropriate button on the left or the image of the book above. To
access the publisher's website on these texts, click the Springer symbol below to the
left.. For updates on the status of the texts, please visit:


If additional information is needed, please click on the Contact Information navigation
button on the left. Thank you for visiting.

James Streib
James T. Streib
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