; Guide to Assembly Language
; Section 9.6 Complete Program
; Copyright 2019, James T. Streib
.model flat,c
.stack 100h
scanf PROTO arg2:Ptr Byte, inputlist:VARARG
printf PROTO arg1:Ptr Byte, printlist:VARARG
msg1fmt byte 0Ah,"%s",0
msg2fmt byte 0Ah,"%s",0Ah,0Ah,0
in1fmt byte "%s",0
msg1 byte "Enter the state to be found: ",0
msg2 byte "The state was found.",0
msg3 byte "The state was not found.",0
arrystr byte "Illinois ","Michigan ","Iowa ",
"Missouri ","Arkansas ","Tennessee ",
"Louisiana ","Arizona ","Montana ",
"Ohio "
n sdword 10
string byte 10 dup(?)
found sdword ?
main proc
INVOKE printf, ADDR msg1fmt,ADDR msg1
INVOKE scanf, ADDR in1fmt, ADDR string
mov ecx,0 ; initialize ecx to 0
mov found,0 ; initialize found to 0
lea edi,arrystr+0 ; load edi with address
.while(ecx<n && found != -1)
push ecx ; save ecx
lea esi,string+0 ; load address of string
cld ; clear direction flag
mov ecx,lengthof string ; load length of string
repe cmpsb ; compare while equal
dec esi ; decrement es1
dec edi ; decrement edi
mov al,[esi] ; load al with [esi]
mov ah,[edi] ; load ah with [edi]
.if (al==0)&&(ah==" ") ; compare for 0 and space
mov found,-1 ; if yes, found
inc edi ; increment edi back
add edi,ecx ; adjust edi to next string
pop ecx ; restore ecx
inc ecx ; increment ecx
.if (found ==-1)
INVOKE printf, ADDR msg2fmt, ADDR msg2
INVOKE printf, ADDR msg2fmt, ADDR msg3
main endp