Preface: Page ix: Although the current online copy and later printings of the book are okay, in earlier printings of the book the link to the previous support web page at the end of the preface might be incorrect. It should be as follows for the previous support page: For the new support page it should be:
Chapter 5: Page 75: The cmp i,0 in the fifth line of the code segment at the top of the page should be: cmp i,3
Chapter 10: Page 194: In the box, the fifth line from the bottom in column one should be 0000001E not 2E and in the third column it should be mov eax,edi , not mov ebx,edi. Also the last four lines in the third column should be mov ecx, not ebx, all as appears at addresses 0000001E through 000000026 in Section 10.8
Page 195: Similar to the second mistake above, in the box the last four lines in column 3 should be mov ecx, not ebx.
Page 197: In the second box from the bottom, the references to number in the first three lines should be to num2 and in the last three lines the references to number should be to num3, as they appear at addresses 00000046 through 00000064 Section 10.8.
Page 201: In the box near the top of the page, the references to eax as the first operand in the last four instructions should be to ecx instead, as they appear at addresses 00000072 through 00000078 in Section 10.8.